Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rocco's 18 Month Stats

Everything is on track - according to Rocco's 18 month check up. Here are his latest stats as of 8/3/11:

Weight - 30 lb 12.8 oz (90th percentile!)
Height - 34.25 inches (90th percentile!)
Head - 18.82 inches (average percentile)

That's our little average size headed bruiser! :)

Oh, and he may or may not have torn off a piece of a leaf that was wallpapered to the wall while we waiting for the doctor. But no one can prove anything!



The Ball Family said...

He's doing great! 18 months was the one appt where Alivia wasn't in the high 90s for everything...i think because she was pretty sick prior to her appt. Rocco's bigger than she was! :)

Height: 33.5 inches (91%)
Weight: 27.0 lbs (85%) (she lost a few when she was sick so she's catching back up)
and of course her head: 19.5 inches (97%)