Thursday, March 19, 2009

This ain't your Grandma's sauce

So Nathan and I ordered the Rocco Cookbook a couple months ago. It has normal receipes submitted by family members but it also has these little gold gems - receipes from the great aunts and uncles that have sporatically been passed down. On Sunday, I decided we'd try to make the homemade sauce and meatballs. Everything turned out good but the sauce did not taste like my grandma's. I think we may have put too much garlic. Does anyone know if a clove of garlic is one of the pieces inside the garlic bulb or is it all of the pieces inside the bulb? Nathan helped me with the sauce but he pointed out that I did the meatballs all by myself. Again, they weren't quite as good as my grandma's but they were still pretty tasty. I was happy we finally attempted something from the cookbook.

Besides the good food, we had a pretty nice weekend. We watched a couple of movies and got some stuff accomplished at our house. Nathan worked on Sat. and I finished some homework. We also bought a storm door for the front door. I've wanted to get one of these since I bought the house 3 years ago. It looks great. I also picked up some of the gazillion sticks in our yard.

We were supposed to have Graham this weekend but we switched with his mom so it's just the two of us again. I have a final to study for and Nathan is helping his sister and brother-in-law put a new floor in their kitchen. So, it won't be the most exciting weekend! :)



Jim & Chrissy said...

I think a clove is just one of the parts that make up the bulb.

Good luck with your studies! Almost done!!!!