Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our baby is already a stinker!

So, I had to go to the Dr. yesterday for a personal issue and while I was there, the Dr. decided to do a prenatal checkup. He whipped out that device to listen to the baby's heartbeat but Baby wasn't cooperating. He moved the wand-thingy all around and kept asking the baby where it was hiding. Meanwhile, I was trying to hold it together and not freak out. He decided to lay me flat to see if that helped. It didn't. So he said he'd go get the other ultrasound machine. He said my uterus could be tilted back and that's why we couldn't hear the heartbeat. Once he did the other ultrasound, my fears subsided. There was the baby. And the little stinker waved it's arm at me as if to say, "Don't worry momma, here I am!". I could see the heartbeat too. It was so cool. The Dr. asked me if this was worth the few minutes of worry and it totally was. I just wished Nathan would have been there to experience it with me. The Dr. did confirm the tilted uterus so I don't know if this will always be an issue or not. My online research says it usually tilts back in place between weeks 10 and 12. I'm in week 10 now.

I also couldn't believe how much the baby looks more like a baby since my last ultrasound at the beginning of the month. And I have a better ultrasound picture now (above). I've been feeling pretty good lately. Nauseous is gone. Just battling the fatigue and tailbone pain. My wonderful husband made his first craving run for me this week. It was an easy one at a reasonable hour. I wanted french onion dip and since he was going to get that, I also had him get me original Krunchers chips and sunflower seeds (which I haven't eaten yet). I can't get enough of the chips and dip right now.
I have a few pictures from the past couple of weekends to post. I will try to get them up this weekend.
Oh, and Nathan is having surgery on his right wrist for his carpal tunnel on Wednesday, July 1st. Say some prayers that all goes well and that he has a speedy recovery.


The Goewert Family said...

We will keep Nat in our prayers.

It is great that you are feeling better. And I am happy that the baby is looking good. If you need anything why Nat is on recovery please don't hesate(sp) to ask. I know we are not great friends but I would be glad to help you if you needed it.

Dawn said...

Thanks, Danielle. I appreciate it. And I'm glad we are getting to know one another better these days! :)

Sheila said...

so cute. glad everything is ok :)