Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The House of Flu - Part Deux

OK, so maybe that wood I knocked on during the last post was faux wood because the old flu got me good this past weekend! Luckily, I didn't have the stomach flu but I am pretty sure I had the upper respiratory flu. Saturday I had chills and aches while my cough has gotten worse. The flu symptoms were gone by Sunday afternoon but the cough and congestion that goes disgustingly along with it is still here. I've never had a cough that has this much congestion and refuses to go away. And now, my right eye is so sore that it hurts to even close it. I am a MESS! I think my eye has an infection and I need to get into the eye doctor I guess. But when is that supposed to happen with work and school?

Speaking of school, I started on Sat. (yes, while chills were running up and down my body!). I had my second class last night. What the he!! have I gotten myself into? Who did I think I was to take 2 classes at once? A crazy person, that's who. I may have gotten in over my head but I need to stick it out. Let's just hope these sicknesses go away soon so I can just be left with stress for the next 3 months while I try to get through this.

Nathan has been diligently working on building a room in our basement and he's done such a good job. I'll have to post pictures soon so you can see the process. I can't wait to see the finished project.

Other than that, here are a few pictures from over the holiday season that were on Nathan's camera and that I didn't have access to until now. Enjoy!

Addelyn and Nathan

Me and Bethany at Steinberg

Mike, Bethany, Nathan and me at Steinberg

Me and Nathan at Steinberg

High School Friends Holiday Lunch at Trailhead
Julie. Jennifer, Kelly, me, Becky & Missy


The Meadows said...

the flu sucks. I know exactly how you are feeling. Matt got sick on Saturday, I got sick on Sunday, Michael and Tim both got sick on Monday. The boys are still sick.