Some of you may have already seen this but I'm posting a link to a video of a wedding party dancing down the aisle of a church. Now, we've all seen wedding parties dance into the reception but this is in the church! Pretty unique! The link is from KSDK's website so hopefully it will work. Enjoy!
Friday, July 24, 2009
What an Entrance!
Posted by Dawn at 5:25 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Generation D (as in Digital everything)
So I've been reading these two blogs lately on a regular basis that I really enjoy. They are both written by mothers. One has 2 boys and the other has 2 girls. I like checking in daily to see how they make normal, ordinary events so entertaining to read about. ( and I guess it's insipired me to post a little more often about little things that happen or things I find interesting. I saw this story on today and thought it was a must read since Nathan and I are bringing a child into this big, bad, crazy world come January. It's about the things that our kids may never know about. Some of the things on the list are still around but not widely used or practiced and some may not be around anymore but we all still remember what they are. (And to be honest, some of them, I've never heard of!) So it's interesting to me that my kid may not have a clue about most of this stuff. So here it is in case you are interested.
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About
By Nathan Barry
July 22, 2009
8:00 am
There are some things in this world that will never be forgotten, this week’s 40th anniversary of the moon landing for one. But Moore’s Law and our ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better widgets and thingamabobs will always ensure that some of the technology we grew up with will not be passed down the line to the next generation of geeks.
That is, of course, unless we tell them all about the good old days of modems and typewriters, slide rules and encyclopedias …
Audio-Visual Entertainment
1. Inserting a VHS tape into a VCR to watch a movie or to record something.
2. Super-8 movies and cine film of all kinds.
3. Playing music on an audio tape using a personal stereo. See what happens when you give a Walkman to todays teenager.
4. The number of TV channels being a single digit. I remember it being a massive event when Britain got its fourth channel.
5. Standard-definition, CRT TVs filling up half your living room.
6. Rotary dial televisions with no remote control. You know, the ones where the kids were the remote control.
7. High-speed dubbing.
8. 8-track cartridges.
9. Vinyl records. Even today’s DJs are going laptop or CD.
10. Betamax tapes.
11. MiniDisc.
12. Laserdisc: the LP of DVD.
13. Scanning the radio dial and hearing static between stations. (Digital tuners + HD radio bork this concept.)
14. Shortwave radio.
15. 3-D movies meaning red-and-green glasses.
16. Watching TV when the networks say you should. Tivo and Sky+ are slowing killing this one.
17. That there was a time before ‘reality TV.’
Computers and Videogaming
18. Wires. OK, so they’re not gone yet, but it won’t be long
19. The scream of a modem connecting.
20. The buzz of a dot-matrix printer
21. 5- and 3-inch floppies, Zip Discs and countless other forms of data storage.
22. Using jumpers to set IRQs.
23. DOS.
24. Terminals accessing the mainframe.
25. Screens being just green (or orange) on black.
26. Tweaking the volume setting on your tape deck to get a computer game to load, and waiting ages for it to actually do it.
27. Daisy chaining your SCSI devices and making sure they’ve all got a different ID.
28. Counting in kilobytes.
29. Wondering if you can afford to buy a RAM upgrade.
30. Blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes that it’ll load this time.
31. Turning a PlayStation on its end to try and get a game to load.
32. Joysticks.
33. Having to delete something to make room on your hard drive.
34. Booting your computer off of a floppy disk.
35. Recording a song in a studio.
The Internet
36. NCSA Mosaic.
37. Finding out information from an encyclopedia.
38. Using a road atlas to get from A to B.
39. Doing bank business only when the bank is open.
40. Shopping only during the day, Monday to Saturday.
41. Phone books and Yellow Pages.
42. Newspapers and magazines made from dead trees.
43. Actually being able to get a domain name consisting of real words.
44. Filling out an order form by hand, putting it in an envelope and posting it.
45. Not knowing exactly what all of your friends are doing and thinking at every moment.
46. Carrying on a correspondence with real letters, especially the handwritten kind.
47. Archie searches.
48. Gopher searches.
49. Concatenating and UUDecoding binaries from Usenet.
50. Privacy.
51. The fact that words generally don’t have num8er5 in them.
52. Correct spelling of phrases, rather than TLAs.
53. Waiting several minutes (or even hours!) to download something.
54. The time before botnets/security vulnerabilities due to always-on and always-connected PCs 55. The time before PC networks.
56. When Spam was just a meat product — or even a Monty Python sketch.
57. Typewriters.
58. Putting film in your camera: 35mm may have some life still, but what about APS or disk?
59. Sending that film away to be processed.
60. Having physical prints of photographs come back to you.
61. CB radios.
62. Getting lost. With GPS coming to more and more phones, your location is only a click away.
63. Rotary-dial telephones.
64. Answering machines.
65. Using a stick to point at information on a wallchart
66. Pay phones.
67. Phones with actual bells in them.
68. Fax machines.
69. Vacuum cleaners with bags in them.
Everything Else
70. Taking turns picking a radio station, or selecting a tape, for everyone to listen to during a long drive.
71. Remembering someone’s phone number.
72. Not knowing who was calling you on the phone.
73. Actually going down to a Blockbuster store to rent a movie.
74. Toys actually being suitable for the under-3s.
75. LEGO just being square blocks of various sizes, with the odd wheel, window or door.
76. Waiting for the television-network premiere to watch a movie after its run at the theater.
77. Relying on the 5-minute sport segment on the nightly news for baseball highlights.
78. Neat handwriting.
79. The days before the nanny state.
80. Starbuck being a man.
81. Han shoots first.
82. “Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.” But they’ve already seen episode III, so it’s no big surprise.
83. Kentucky Fried Chicken, as opposed to KFC.
84. Trig tables and log tables.
85. “Don’t know what a slide rule is for …”
86. Finding books in a card catalog at the library.
87. Swimming pools with diving boards.
88. Hershey bars in silver wrappers.
89. Sliding the paper outer wrapper off a Kit-Kat, placing it on the palm of your hand and clapping to make it bang loudly. Then sliding your finger down the silver foil of break off the first finger
90. A Marathon bar (what a Snickers used to be called in Britain).
91. Having to manually unlock a car door.
92. Writing a check.
93. Looking out the window during a long drive.
94. Roller skates, as opposed to blades.
95. Cash.
96. Libraries as a place to get books rather than a place to use the internet.
97. Spending your entire allowance at the arcade in the mall.
98. Omni Magazine
99. A physical dictionary — either for spelling or definitions.
100. When a ‘geek’ and a ‘nerd’ were one and the same.
Can you think of anything else to add to this list?
Posted by Dawn at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Is it wrong to play BlackJack with your 10 year old stepson? Is that sending the wrong message to someone who takes a few minutes to add up 7 + 8 + 9 to figure out he busted? Nah, it was his idea. And I blame Santa Clause anyway. He's the one who gave the kid his own set of poker chips and a deck of cards for Christmas 2 years ago! Yeah, it's Santa's bad judgement that we have to blame!
Posted by Dawn at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Awwww, Yeah
So yesterday, I parked in the "Expecting & New Mothers" parking spot for the first time at the grocery store because it was crowded and I was too lazy to park farther back. And darn it, I AM an expecting mother even if most people wouldn't know it yet just by looking at me. However, I feel pregnant and fat so I feel like everyone else should realize I'm pregnant too, darn it! As I was walking in though, this hoosier guy looked me up and down (after I parked in that Baby Mama spot) and said, "How you doin', sweetheart?" Part of me was pissed that he said this to me and a couple different phrases popped into my head to respond, such as, "I'm pregnant. Leave me alone A-hole!" or "Knocked up and married!". However, instead, I said, "I'm fine. How are you?". He responded with some mumble-jumble that I could not understand and I just shook my head and proceeded to walk my pregnant butt to the bathroom, like a good pregnant lady who has to use the facilities a lot in her state of being. However, even though part of me was mad that this guy flirted with me, I have to admit, that a part of me thought, "Awwww yeah, this pregnant lady's still got it!" Haha! Then I hid from him the rest of the time I was in the store. :)
The End.
Posted by Dawn at 7:06 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Who's a Slacker Now? (I Still Am Really!)
Here are some of the pictures I've been talking about posting in my last two posts. I finally got around to doing something tonight after work. Funny how I got around to it when Nathan isn't home. . . I even took a walk around the neighborhood!
These are for the Komen Race for the Cure. My work had a team this year for the second year in a row. We had a water station and many of us walked.
My two boys!
Elaina, Clayton, Lexie, Graham, Kalei, and Adelyn
Chantel, Kalei, Elaina, Graham, Clayton and Lexie
Posted by Dawn at 6:39 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Cut This Slacker some Slack, Please
OK, so I never got around to posting pictures from the Komen Race, camping, etc. like I said I would. I still intend to do it sometime but I just have to get my lazy, gestating butt downstairs at some point to do it. Ever since we moved the computer down there, I am so bad about logging on. And most days when I come home from work, I park my pregnant booty on the couch and don't move unless it's dinnertime, I have to urinate or it's time to get ready for bed and move into the bedroom to commence sleepytime. I think this is the laziest I have even been in my life. I try to cut myslef some slack but I still feel guilty. I have been feeling pretty good the past couple of weeks - it's just that I'm tired and lethargic. Then this week hit and I've been even more exhausted. When I wake up, it feels like I never went to bed. And it's screwing with my appetite again because it's hard for me to find stuff that sounds good to eat or to have an appetite at the appropriate times of day.
Anyhow, enough complaining. I do have some updates. Nathan's carpal tunnel surgery went well last week. He's been doing pretty good with the healing. He went to physical therapy on Monday and they said his stitches looked good. It was too soon for them to actual work his hand but I think they may do that at his second appt. on Thursday. I just can't wait until he gets the stitches out next week (the 14th) so he can get it wet and we can go to the pool. Yes, it's all about me still somehow! :) He's been doing things with his left hand though as much as possible.
I had my 3rd Dr. appt. yesterday. It went well. The Dr. was able to find the heartbeat this time with just the listening ultrasound thingy. It took her a while but she did find it. She said my uterus has still not tilted back up but it should in the next couple of weeks and I should have a nice little pooch by my next visit on 8/5. She said since she was able to hear the heartbeat w/o seeing it, my miscarriage risk is greatly decreased. So that's good to hear. Nathan was with me so he got to hear Baby Meyer too. I almost wish Baby would have not cooperated though like last time so we would have had to do a regular ultrasound and Nathan could have seen him or her and not just heard the heartbeat. But regardless, it was cool to hear and I'm glad he was there to experience it with me. Other than that, we went over medical history and they drew some blood. Oh, and I lost 1 1/2 lbs. So I've only gained 2 lbs. so far in 12 weeks but I know it will start piling on! The difficult part is that I've gotten wider though and some of my pants and shirts don't fit well anymore. But since I'm not really showing (unless you really look), I feel silly wearing maternity clothes at this point. So I rotate a lot of the same outfits that still fit right now.
Graham started summer camp and that seems to be going well. He loves going and they do a lot of activities. They go swimming every Monday and last week they went to the zoo. His last baseball game was last week but I think he is playing fall ball and will start practicing for that any minute now. It's a new team for him and it's going to be a select team so it will be interesting to see the level of play compared to his old team. He's a good pitcher so I hope they can develop him in that position even more.
That's it for now I guess. I'm not promising to post any pictures soon but I will promise to think about it and feel guilty that I haven't!
Posted by Dawn at 9:52 AM 0 comments