Friday, July 17, 2009

Awwww, Yeah

So yesterday, I parked in the "Expecting & New Mothers" parking spot for the first time at the grocery store because it was crowded and I was too lazy to park farther back. And darn it, I AM an expecting mother even if most people wouldn't know it yet just by looking at me. However, I feel pregnant and fat so I feel like everyone else should realize I'm pregnant too, darn it! As I was walking in though, this hoosier guy looked me up and down (after I parked in that Baby Mama spot) and said, "How you doin', sweetheart?" Part of me was pissed that he said this to me and a couple different phrases popped into my head to respond, such as, "I'm pregnant. Leave me alone A-hole!" or "Knocked up and married!". However, instead, I said, "I'm fine. How are you?". He responded with some mumble-jumble that I could not understand and I just shook my head and proceeded to walk my pregnant butt to the bathroom, like a good pregnant lady who has to use the facilities a lot in her state of being. However, even though part of me was mad that this guy flirted with me, I have to admit, that a part of me thought, "Awwww yeah, this pregnant lady's still got it!" Haha! Then I hid from him the rest of the time I was in the store. :)

The End.


Kelly D. said...

ha ha When you're preggo, it's the little things that matter!

The Goewert Family said...

I thought you looked great Saturday night so I can see why some guy hit on you.