Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just a Few Rocco Tidbits

This post is more for my memory than anything else. This is a good place for me to remember the little things that happen along the way as the boys grow up.

Rocco has his Delta Gamma vision therapy 2x a month. During his appt. this week, his therapist, Lindsay, got such a kick out of him. He was dancing so much for her. She said it looks like he's going to dance before he walks! She always comments on how strong he is and she said it again this week. She said he's the strongest baby she's ever worked with. She had this round dome light from the dollar store that gets turned on an off by pressing down on the dome. She commented on how he analyzes things until he figures them out. In order to figure out how to manipulate the light, he pressed it against his chest until it came on. Then he knew he just had to press down on it with his hand to get it on and off. She said she doesn't have too many kids that can get this particular light on and off.

He's so close to walking but not quite there yet. He practically gallops along the side of the couch and will take a step of two as he lunges out for me to catch him. I'm excited to give him his firetruck toy for Christmas that he can walk behind to help him walk even more.

He's still constantly moving his head from side to side (kind of like the "Night of the Roxbury" skit from Saturday Night Live) anytime he hears music. And each time a new song comes on, he starts the head bopping all over again. I have a video that I will try to post soon!

Happy Holidays,