Friday, November 7, 2008

Zoom Zoom!

I mentioned briefly that I got a new car. Here are some pictures from google of what I got since I haven't had time to take a picture myself. It's a 2009 Mazda 6 (Black) and it's very nice. I got it a week ago today, on Halloween (is that bad luck?).
The sad news is that the dealer changed my license plates over and put an "As is" sticker in my Vue so fast that I didn't get to say goodbye to her. Her name was Jade. She was a decent vehicle but she had 110,000+ miles and was starting to sound like she wanted to just fall apart. I didn't feel comfortable going through another winter with her. I drive 30+ miles to and from work everyday and didn't want to take the chance at breaking down. Plus, Jade, didn't handle the snow too well and I was scared as hell driving in any amount of the white stuff. And with the poor economy, this was a good time to buy a car and get a good deal.
I need a new name for my new car. If you have suggestions, leave them in the comments section. I can't decide if it's a boy or a girl. At first, I thought a boy but I'm starting to change my mind on that. You can suggest any gender of name. (This is all my cousin, Kim's, fault because she makes everyone name their car and I know the next time I talk to her, she will ask what its name is!). Be creative, folks!
I'll still try to post pictures of my actual car soon!


Anonymous said...

how bout obama? lol! get it? :) haah!!!!

Anonymous said...

what about Onyx...its chic anough, hum?

Kelly in AZ (Ann & Chrissy's friend)

The Ball Family said...

pretty impressive! looks purty! onyx is pretty cool. Craig says to call it Black Pearl. I'll have to think of something. We named our bunny Harley b.c he was black (after the motorcycle). hmmmmmmmm