Thursday, March 26, 2009


As you ALL already know, I am officially done with graduate school! Last night was my last class!!! I'm not sure if I am going to walk in the graduation ceremony in May. Probably not. I don't receive my actual diploma until June but I am officially putting Masters of Human Resources Management on my resume now! :) Nathan and Graham surprised me with a nice graduation gift this week - a pink iPod nano! I love it. I wanted a new MP3 player for my bday so it was nice to get it now when I wasn't expecting anything. Nathan already put some music on it for me but I need to add some more. Hopefully I will get time to do that this weekend but we do have a lot going on so we'll see.

Speaking of the weekend, Graham has a baseball fundraiser on Sat. morning at Applebees on the Rock Rd. in St. John. It's a breakfast from 8 - 10 am. We are supposed to sell tickets. We haven't really asked anyone to buy one because it's $10 a person and we think it's kind of ridiculous to pay $40 for some pancakes for a family of four. BUT if anyone IS interested, let me know! (But I'm not holding my breath!) The other bad part is we have to be there at 7:30 to work the darn thing! Graham will be serving people though so that will be interesting to see! haha!

Nathan and Graham are in Macon, MO right now at one of Nathan's friend's land. It's spring break and Nathan is not working this week so it worked out nice. It's a little weird having the house to myself for a few days but it's also kind of nice. I miss them but how often do I get the whole house to myself for a couple of days. They left yesterday and should be back tomorrow. I think they were going to fish, ride four wheelers and just take it easy.

Last weekend we saw the movie, I LOVE YOU, MAN. I highly suggest it. It was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time and I laughed so hard at one part that I cried. We will definitely buy it when it comes out on video. On Sunday, I went to my friend, Toni's, bridal shower. I couldn't stay long since I had to study for my final but it was a nice shower. I hope she got a lot of nice stuff. Later that night, we went to dinner to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday at Mimi's Cafe. That was a good time, as usual.

I'll try to take some pictures again in the near future since I haven't posted any in a while. I'm sure with the nicer weather and no school, we will be doing a lot more activities that will allow me to do that.
