Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

So we took our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch this past Sat. but we tried a new place this year called Eagle Fork in Troy, MO. I liked it but the pumpkin selection wasn't the greatest. They either had ginormous pumpkins or small pumpkins. My sister-in-law said they had a lot more when she was there a few weekends ago so maybe they just can't keep up with the demand. But we had a good time and it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Here are some pictures. Ignore the date stamp on them!

L-R: Graham. Lexie, Clayton & Elaina



Lexie and Graham after Rachel dumped corn kernels down his back






Graham running through the corn maze

Graham and Clayton in the corn maze

Heavenly Fried Twinkie! Yes, I ate the whole thing by myself!

Sunday we picked up the dresser we bought for the baby's room. We love it but it sure does seem a lot bigger in the little room than it seemed at the store. It almost matches our crib perfectly. I'll post some pictures of the room when it's finished. We have a few things to hang up in there still, need to get some curtains and need to get the bedding at one of the upcoming showers (hopefully at the one this weekend!).

Have a great week!



Toni said...

did you pick out a name yet? (you can tell me) You know i like to get personalized things!

Dawn said...

I am about 98% sure we are going with Rocco. I keep thinking I need to know for sure for that purpose. I haven't come up with anything else and haven't really tried so I'm sure that will be it! :)

Toni said...

ok you cant change then! no turning back! & I love it!:)