Friday, October 23, 2009

Third trimester, Baby!

So as of yesterday (10/22) I am 27 weeks pregnant. However, as of Wednesday (10/21), I am officially in my third trimester (according to me since I'm 3 months from my due date). So I guess I'm in the home stretch. Since it seems that almost everyone I know is having baby boys, I keep thinking that there is something going on to cause this. I have no idea what it is but I've just never heard of so many baby boys on the way (or maybe I've never quite paid attention like I do now). But I was reading a blog post from and found this story to be pretty funny regarding the drama/intensity/craziness of raising a girl so I thought I'd share. Maybe you can comment if you agree or not. I know when I was hoping for a baby girl, a lot of my friends told me that their baby boys are so sweet and less dramatic. Although if Graham has his way, our baby boy will be a drama king (He told Nathan and I one night that he hopes the baby is dramatic!) Anyway, here is the post (Leta is the 5 1/2 year old daughter of Heather and Jon Armstrong. Katey is Heather's assistant):

All grown up
Jon calls me into the kitchen where Leta is having a snack, and our assistant Katey has just finished up some paper work. I ask what's going on, and he motions for all of us to look at Leta. The three of us surround her as Jon tries to stick his finger in her mouth, a risk not unlike trying to pet an alligator.
"STOP IT!" she screams and immediately covers her mouth with both hands.

"Leta," Jon says with a tone of exasperation that has filled this house for oh, five and a half years. "Show them your tooth."

She vigorously shakes her head without removing her hands as Jon explains that her front left tooth is loose, and both Katey and I cannot help but SQUEEEE!!!! Our little baby Leta is about to lose her first tooth! We both remember when she had none!

Leta interprets our squeeeing as mockery, and hops off her chair. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" she yells, temporarily letting her arms hang by her side. So we explain in great detail why we made that horrible, high-pitched noise, tell her that this is a Huge Event In Her Life, and doesn't she know? Oh Leta! THE VERY BEST PART! The Tooth Fairy is coming!

"But I don't want the tooth fairy to come," she says, only because that's what girls do. They want drama, they thrive on irrational thinking, they want you to scratch your head and go WTF?!!

"Leta," I start to explain, "the Tooth Fairy comes and leaves you money. MONEY. M-O-N-E-Y."

"But I don't want money!" she says. "I want presents!"

That's when all three of us, Jon, Katey and I, we simultaneously groan, "YOU CAN USE THE MONEY TO BUY PRESENTS, LETA."

She stands there blinking her eyes for several seconds, and then she reaches up into her mouth to feel her loose tooth.

"Okay," she says calmly. "I can work with that."

Are you pregnant and expecting a girl? GOOD LUCK.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm probably going to be thankful for having a baby boy who will hopefully be a little less dramatic and a little easier to deal with. I can tell you from working all females, that I know women can be moody, catty, crazy and just dreadful sometimes. In fact, the book I'm reading right now is called, "Men are Stupid, Women are Crazy". (So men shouldn't be all high and mighty either! :) )

Looking forward to my family baby shower this Sunday. I will hopefully take some pictures to post next week!

Have a great weekend,


The Goewert Family said...

You know my daughter. She loves the drama. I don't know if I want anymore kids because I am so scared it will be a girl. Owen is easy compared to Mia.