Friday, December 4, 2009

7 Weeks To Go!

I haven't posted much lately so I figured a little update was due. We have been getting ready for the holidays and waiting for baby Rocco. The nursery is done and everything is bought and ready. I have one more shower (at work) next week. I think we'll get gift cards at that one so that will be nice to have once the baby is here and we figure out other stuff that we need.

Our Thanksgiving was nice. We had my family over for brunch and then headed to Nathan's parents' house for dessert. We never a "traditional" Thanksgiving meal but we were perfectly OK with that. Maybe we'll go back to that next year though so Rocco doesn't think Thanksgiving consists of pancakes, sausage, donuts, fruit, etc. :)

I had a doctor appt. this week and all is well. I got the H1N1 vaccination. The baby is measuring good and I got a lot of questions answered. In addition, Nathan and Dr. Durer had a little debate over such topics as vaccinations, population control, etc. As the dr. was leaving, he said they would tackle gun control next time! I told them when I am in labor and delivery, I may have to cut them off at that point so they can focus on me. It was pretty funny to see them have a friendly debate about this stuff.

Here's what's going on with Rocco and me at 33 weeks pregnant:

The 33rd week of pregnancy and the four weeks that follow mark a time of astounding growth as your baby reaches his ultimate birth weight.

He weighs about 4 1/2 pounds and might grow a full inch in length this week alone! He's grown to about 12 1/2 inches from crown to rump, or about the length of an average pumpkin.

Your baby continues to gain weight rapidly — about a half pound a week.

The pupils of his eyes can now adjust to bright or dim light, just like yours.

His lungs continue to develop.

Your amniotic fluid has reached its maximum level now — there's simply no more room! With less fluid to cushion them, your baby's kicks might feel a bit uncomfortable. This is definitely true. I feel like he scrapes against my skin these days rather than kicks!

When you're 33 weeks pregnant and in the weeks to come, your body prepares for the upcoming demands of labor and delivery.

Your muscles are probably sore all over from carrying your almost full-grown baby! YES!

Your growing baby might be making it more difficult for you to sleep. YES!!

You're likely to feel practice contractions or false labor pains (Braxton-Hicks) soon. I had this once a few weeks ago.

You probably will continue to gain about a pound a week during the 33rd week of pregnancy and the next several weeks.

You're probably thinking about labor and delivery right now. It's natural for you to feel excited as well as anxious. Or scared Sh*tless!

I woke up this morning with the worst Charlie Horse in my leg. I was screaming and just kept thinking, "Is this what I'm in for (but in a different region) during labor?" If so, GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL ASAP!!!

I'm hoping to get our maternity pictures back soon. I may try to use one for our Christmas cards if I get them in time. Either way, I may pass on cards this year since we'll be sending out birth annoucements in the new year! I will also try to post some pictures of the nursery soon. In the meantime, we hope everyone else is doing well!



The Meadows said...

OMG..... I just saw that you only have 7 weeks to go. I know it probably didn't go by fast for you, but wow I didn't realize that you were almost there.