Friday, April 2, 2010

A few Recent Pictures and 10 Week Dr. Visit

The pictures go from the most recent to the least recent - ending with the Sat. before St. Patrick's Day. Rocco continues to grow like a weed. At his 10 week check up, he was up to 12 lbs. and 24 inches long. (His previous appt. a month prior he was 8.10 lbs. and 23 inches!) His head was 15 1/2 (I think. I'm too lazy to get up and look right now! It was 15 something.) Dr. Bradshaw said his head and weight are in the normal range and his height is above normal. He said he could still put on a few pounds with his height and be in the normal range. He had to get 4 shots - 2 in each leg. That was hard to watch. He won't get any next time but then the time after that, he'll have to get another boost of those 4 he just got. They did make him fussier than normal that night. It was the only time I've seen him cry while he was eating. We gave him some Tylenol and that seemed to help.

This week was the first week he was with the babysitters (the grandmas) for the whole work week. He did great. I can't say that mom and dad didn't have some adjusting to get used to but we're dealing with it. I'm so desperate for him to sleep through the night that I keep asking people about bedtime routines, etc. But I think he's still too young at this point and we just need to go with the flow. I don't think he'll be sleeping through the night for another month or two. But he's a pretty good sleeper and usually only gets up once during the night to eat and goes back to sleep pretty easily so I can't complain. Nathan and I take turns getting up at night. We alternate nights and that's been working pretty good.

Graham has started having baseball practice Monday - Thursday so that complicates our evenings a little bit too. But I believe his games start next week. I'm not sure if that will make it better or worse b/c he's playing on 2 teams. We are currently selling TJ's Pizza for one of the teams if anyone is interested.

Graham multi-tasking: watching TV, using the laptop and keeping Rocco's binky in his mouth!

We're going to try to take the boys to get a picture with the Easter Bunny tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. I have a feeling it's going to be very crowded! I am going to try to get a good picture of the 4 of us on Easter. We haven't done that since the day Rocco was born!

Happy Easter to everyone!



toni said...

i love the st pats pics!
i dread going back to work & having to deal with these night feedings.. i hear it gets better around 4 months you're almost there! :)