Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Almost got my @ss kicked in San Diego!

This past weekend I attended the National PTA Conference in San Diego, CA for work. I hate being at a conference over a weekend but if I have to, this was a good one to go to. I went with my co-worker, John, and we tried to make the best of it. Thursday night we went into downtown and ate dinner at this place called Whisky Girl.

Me in downtown with the Giradelli (spelling??) Guy

Friday morning we went to the San Diego Zoo. It's a nice zoo and I saw some crazy animals I've never heard of before but it was weird to pay to get into a zoo. We're not used to that in the STL!


Panda-I feel like these things are really just someone dressed up in a costume. They don't seem real to me for some reason.

Not sure what this is but it seems like a cross between a zebra and a horse or something.

Friday night we went to a San Diego Padres game. They were playing the Detroit Tigers and we were sitting behind some DIE HARD Detroit fans. One of the guys was so rude and was getting on my nerves so bad that at some point I put my fingers to my forehead in the shape of an "L" and called him a loser. Probably wasn't the smartest thing to do! He wasn't too happy with me after that. Thankfully, the Padres beat the Tigers and he left before we did since his team was losing.

Petco Park - the stadium set up reminded me a lot of the new Busch Stadium

Sat. night we went to this dinner/drinks thing that one our business partners was having. It was at this Mexian restaurant in this area called Old Town. It was this town from the 1800's that has been preserved in the middle of this state park. It was pretty authentic and had no A/C. We were so hot in there but we had free food and drinks so it was hard to pass up. I think John and I brought the St. Louis heat with us. The first day we were there was nice but the other 3 days were hot. Everyone kept talking about the heat wave. I don't think they're used to that kind of heat down there.

We came home on Sunday. We did actually work in between all of this too! Nathan had to work this weekend as well. He worked on Sat. I was glad he got to enjoy his Sunday though. He played golf with Miles, Jim and Jim's dad. Then he and Miles went to Hooters and Dairy Queen!

Last night, Nathan and I finally had a whole evening to ourselves without anything specific to do. It was so nice. We don't get that a lot. We took a 2 hour walk. We walked to Dairy Qeen (a little counter-productive, I know!) and then checked out the new Switch Fitness for Women that just opened by our house. I think we are going to check out the Rec-Plex on Wed. We need to find a place to work out. We'd be able to go together there.

Anyhoo, we will be tackling a lot of wedding details in the upcoming weeks. I can't wait to get a lot of little stuff taken care of. It will be here before we know it!

Oh, I almost forgot. I had my last class on Wednesday! Freedom!!!! At least until Oct. 4th when I start back. I am so excited for a break though!

I have some pictures from my San Diego trip that I will post later so check back if you care!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aren't you just the world traveler!