Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trying not to become a Bridezilla!

I'm starting to feel a little . . . what's the word?. . . moody, maybe? I think I am just ready for this wedding to be here so I can stop worrying about it. I know I am not the first bride to feel this way. We are 37 days out and part of me can't count the days soon enough but part of me feels like I'm running out of time to take care of details. And in all reality, my to-do list isn't too bad. We've done a lot of stuff early so that helps. I think what's getting to me is that I can't do some stuff until closer to the actual wedding.

For example, I'm looking forward to doing our programs but I can't until I know that the readings, etc. we chose are approved by the wedding coordinator/priest. We need more bowls for the centerpieces but I'm not sure how many more until I know how many people are coming so I know how many tables we'll have. It's things like this that are driving me a little batty (not to mention that I can't get some return phone calls from some people). And I like having control over the details so it's hard for me to let some of them go.

I guess I'm just wondering if some of you past "brides-to-be" felt this way as the last month approached. I just feel like I'm in a funk. Let me know if you can sympathize or if I'm just plain crazy and off of my rocker! But remember, be nice, because I warning you that I can't be held responsible for my actions up until the big day! :)

Teetering on the brink,



Jim & Chrissy said...

I think even though you get stuff done early, a lot of the little details you have to wait until the end and all of the final payments are usually do a week or two before the wedding, so that kind of stuff just keeps weighing on you until you get them done.

As one of your bridesmaids, I don't think you've been a bridezilla :) You probably worry more than I would about some stuff, but like you told me earlier this week, that is your type A personality--haha!

Its stressful, but don't worry so much about it. Everything is going to turn out fine and the day is about you and Nathan (and Graham). I'm sure if someone ends up without a bowl on their table, they won't notice it and if they do, they'll get over it real quick ;) Everyone is looking forward to the spending the day with you guys and dancing and partying the night away. Try not to sweat the small stuff!

See ya tomorrow! Maybe you need a drink! :)

Jim & Chrissy said...

Wow--what a long comment! haha! Maybe I should have just sent an email :)

Jim & Chrissy said...

one more thing :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, now you're making me start to worry! what if my hair turns out like shit or there's hurricane or if it rains or if the jamaican preacher dude doesnt show up lol!
i dont get to do my wedding details until i get to jamaica and talk to the wedding coordnator haah! That's going to be crazy!