Friday, April 4, 2008

Maybe Not So Lucky

So, Nathan and I already knew that our wedding day falls on the same day as Hop in the City at The Tap Room this year. The Tap Room is probably Nathan's favorite place in the whole world. And The Hop is this festival they have once a year under big tents in their parking lot where you buy a ticket and get to hang out all day and sample all of their different beers as much as you like. So it sucks that he'll miss that (although I have a feeling we will swing by there to take some pictures in between the ceremony and the reception!). The he found out that the weekend of our wedding is the same weekend as some race he wanted to go see in another state. I think it's a motorcycle race of some sort (I either didn't pay attention as he was telling me or I forget!). :) Then today he calls to excitedly tell me that Journey, Cheap Trick and Heart are coming in concert. I got excited because I'd love to see Journey and Heart. Then he says, "Guess when they're coming?" Of course I knew the answer: Sept. 13, 2008. Boo! Journey seems to come to town every few years but who knows when Heart will come again. Oh well, if Sept. 13th is such a popular date, maybe we will have some fun things to do (and by fun, I'm not counting the motorcycle races!) on our future anniversaries! :) My apologies in advance to all of you that will miss these events this year too because of our nuptials. You will miss these events, right??? :)~


The Ball Family said...

oh man!!!!! What an awesome concert we have to miss!! :)
Can't wait for the wedding...thanks for the blog updates.
Happy Early Bday, Dawn!