Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

It was a nice weekend at the Waller-Meyer household. :) Friday, Graham, Nathan and I went to Red Robin for dinner and then watched Bee Movie at home. It's a cute movie.

I went to my first class on Sat. for my new cluster, Gender Issues. It seems like it will be a pretty good class. It also deals with ethics and diversity. I like the teacher but, as usual, it will be a lot of work. While I was at class, Nathan took Graham to his baseball practice. He has a tournament next weekend. Later that night, we had my mom over for some BBQ hamburgers and brats and then the 4 of us played a board game.

On Sunday, it was a beautiful day so me, Nathan and Graham headed out to Creve Coeur Park. The boys threw the football, we kicked the soccer ball, Nathan flew Graham's kite (while we watched!) and we rode our bikes around the park. The kite was pretty cool. It's the Black Pearl ship from the Pirates of the Carribean movie. My uncle Bill gave it to Graham for Christmas. At times, it was hard keeping it up in the air but when the wind would gust, it would take off. It's one of the coolest kites I've seen.