Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I promise this is my last post about Scrabble (otherwise you might all think Nathan and I are too dorky to even come to our wedding!) but I have to brag a little. We played a quick game with Graham last night and I used all 7 of my tiles with an "r" that was already on the board. I don't think I've ever done that. The word was OLEANDER. Don't ask me what it means though. Even though we looked it up to verify, I don't remember because I was just so impressed with myself to even listen as Nathan read the defintion from the dictionary. :)

So, it seems as if a lot of people got the wedding invitations on Tuesday. That's quick since I sent them out on Monday. Hopefully by sending them out this early, we will get responses quickly so we can figure out how many more people to add to the reception. Right now, we're paying for 150 but sent out invites to around 205 I think. Our goal was to stay under 200 people.

Also, my bridesmaids sent out the bachelorette party evite. I hope everyone can make it. I know some of you may not like or be familiar with The Drunken Fish (this is where we are going to dinner) but they do have other stuff besides sushi. They have stuff like fried rice, terriaki (spelling ?) chicken, salmon, etc. I also hope most people will book a hotel room. It will be fun to go back and party after the bars close and it will be safer than driving home. If 4 people share a room, the price is about $30 each. A DWI and/or car accident will cost you a lot more! If you didn't get the evite but would like to party with us on Aug. 16th, let me know and I'll send it to you. The more the merrier!



Jim & Chrissy said...

Good job! I think its a flower or something. I read a book one time called White Oleander (and I think there was a movie too). I don't recommend it though :)

And we won't think you are too dorky to come to the wedding....we just might not visit your blog anymore! haha :)

Anonymous said...